Focus On
What Matters.

What matters is your story.
Every brand has a story to tell. But, If every brand is unique, how does one become boring?

The secret to be interesting is to be clear. In a crowded market where every brand is shaped and redefined, it is easy to be vague.

Things That Shaped Us
Things That Shaped Us
Things That Shaped Us
Things That Shaped Us
Things That Shaped Us
We believe in the power of storytelling. Whether an established business owner, or just kick-starting an entrepreneurial journey, we can help you tell your story through design.

We helps you craft a memorable, authentic brand identity that aligns with the value of your business. By being authentic, your business will stand out in the vast and crowded business landscape.
Our creative process is shaped by four core values: visual storytelling, tailored solution, detail-oriented, and collaborative approach

The Power of Visual StorytellinG

We see with our eyes, and feel with our heart. It is not only about what the story is, but also how you tell it. Telling the fact is one thing, making it interesting is another. Studio TF/S is here to translate your story into memorable visual designs that are unique to you

Every brand has its own story. Our team works closely with clients to understand their values, creating brand identities that resonate.

Tailored Precisely to Your Need

We focus on delivering tailored solution. We understand that every business has different objectives. That being said, there is no solution that fits all. Every answer is tailored to a certain situation.

This is why Studio TF/S will involve clients to understand their needs and underlying problems. We will recommend services that are suitable for you. We do not want to avoid the uncertainty, but rather embrace it.


We don’t want to overlook the subtle things. It is never in the grandest appearance. It is in the smallest of details.

We want to create a seamless design process by paying attention to the little details, the unnoticed. Our designs are crafted intentionally to the smallest details, to give you the best experience even when they are not seen.

Collaborative Approach, Outstanding Results

We craft with the intention to support you. We appreciate clear communication. It leads to less clutter, and better results.

We realize that communication is a two-way process, especially when we want to be well-understood. Therefore, understanding and involving our clients in every step of the way is important to build connection and authenticity.

Our works are guided by the value of simplicity and professionalism

Simple Does Not Mean Unimportant

They say, less is more. But sometimes, it steals your attention. We focus on what matters in building your brand identity.

We Keep it Professional

We ensure that our works are delivered in a timely manner and delivered within a responsible environment.

Thinking by yourself is hard, but we are here. Explore the many possibilities of creating your brand identity with Studio TF/S